Privacy and Data

Personal data
MinPlus B.V. processes your data because you are using a service of MinPlus B.V. and/or because you are actively providing the data to MinPlus B.V.
MinPlus B.V. may use the following data:
Surname and last name, Address, Phone number, E-mail address, Bank account number, IP address
Other personal data that are provided actively in correspondence and by phone contact

Use of data
MinPlus B.V. processes personal data in order to contact you by phone (on your request) and to approach you by e-mail or post, in case MinPlus B.V. cannot reach you by phone. Also, MinPlus B.V. can process your personal data as part of a (two-way) agreement.

Retention period data
MinPlus B.V. stores your personal data only as long as strictly necessary for reaching the purposes for which MinPlus B.V. collects your data.

Sharing data
MinPlus B.V. does not share your personal data with others, with the exception of situations that involve legal obligations.

Tracking website data
General visiting data are collected on the website of MinPlus B.V., including the IP address of your device and the moment of data request that is provided by your browser. These data are used to analyze visitor and click behaviour. MinPlus B.V. uses this information for website optimisation. The data will be anonymised as much as possible and will not be provided to third parties.

MinPlus B.V. uses functional cookies as well as tracking cookies. A cookie is a small text file that will be saved on the browser of your computer, tablet or smartphone, the first time you visit the website. The cookies used by MinPlus B.V. make the website more functional for visitors, including recalling preferences and presets of visitors. MinPlus B.V. also gets insights in visitor behaviour and click behaviour concerning the visitors of their website.

Cookie: Qtranslate
Name: qtrans_front_language : Qtranslate uses this cookie to save and recall the language during his visit to the website.

Cookie: Slimstats
Name: slimstat_tracking_cookie: Slimstats uses this cookie to log the visiting behavior and click behavior from website vistors.

View, edit or delete data
You can always request, view or edit the personal data MinPlus B.V. keeps on you. On your request we also will delete your data. Please direct any requests to view your data or to have this data corrected or deleted to: We will respond as quickly as possible, but at most within four weeks.

Data security
MinPlus B.V. takes your privacy and data security very seriously. MinPlus B.V. will take measures to avoid and stop misuse or loss of data, unauthorized entrance and change of data and unwanted disclosure. The website of MinPlus B.V. uses a secure, encrypted SSL Certificate to protect your data.
Please contact MinPlus B.V. if you think your data are not well enough protected, if there are any signs of misuse of your data or in case you want more information about the security of the collected data. Contact: is a website of MinPlus B.V.